Bookkeeping Services for Small Businesses in Somerville, NJ

What's included in Monthly Bookkeeping?

Transaction Categorization

When was the last time you looked in QuickBooks and realized everything was categorized wrong? Incorrectly categorizing transactions in your books can actually lead to missed tax deductions, leaving you on the hook to pay more to the IRS. We help prevent mistakes like this by categorizing your transactions as they happen. That way, you can stop worrying about your books being a mess at tax time.

account reconciliation

Reconciling your accounts monthly can be a huge pain, and most business owners simply avoid it. But failing to reconcile your accounts can really lead to big problems down the road. By reconciling your accounts monthly, we can stop money leaks before they become a problem and identify instances of fraud immediately, protecting what you’ve built and ensuring its sustainability. You can count on us to be proactive!

Financial Statements & Reporting

What does reading your financial statements really do for your business if you aren’t sure what to do with them? We generate your profit and loss statement, cash flow statement, and balance sheet each month and explain what they mean for your business so that you can take full advantage of your data when making key decisions. You'll also get the opportunity to ask us about any key decisions and get our support.

At Recon Bookkeeping, we specialize in providing comprehensive bookkeeping services for small businesses and individuals in Somerville, NJ. We understand that managing your financial records can be a daunting task, but with our expertise, you can leave all the hard work to us. Our services include:

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Monthly Add-Ons

In addition to our core services, we offer a range of monthly add-ons to further support your bookkeeping needs. These include:

Recon Bookkeeping

1. Annual Report Filing

If you're overwhelmed with the task of filing annual reports, our team can handle it for you. We will ensure that your reports are filed accurately and on time, relieving you of the administrative burden and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

Recon Bookkeeping

2. Accounts Payable Management

Managing your accounts payable can be time-consuming and complex. At Recon Bookkeeping, we can take care of everything, from invoice processing to payment scheduling, ensuring that your bills are paid on time and your relationships with vendors remain strong.

Recon Bookkeeping

3. Accounts Receivable Management

Maximize your cash flow by streamlining your accounts receivable process. Our team will assist you in invoicing, tracking payments, and following up on outstanding receivables. We'll help you maintain a healthy cash flow and minimize late payments.

Recon Bookkeeping

4. Receipt Management

Keeping track of receipts is essential for accurate expense tracking and tax reporting. With our advanced receipt management system, you can easily capture and organize receipts, ensuring that none of your expenses go unnoticed.

Recon Bookkeeping

5. Job Costing

For businesses that perform projects or provide services, job costing is vital for assessing profitability and allocating costs accurately. Recon Bookkeeping will help you track project expenses, labor costs, and other relevant data to ensure accurate job costing and informed decision-making.

Recon Bookkeeping

6. Sales Tax Filing

Don't let sales tax become a hassle for your business. Our team will handle all aspects of sales tax filing, including calculating the correct tax amount, completing the necessary forms, and submitting them on time. Stay compliant and avoid penalties with our expert assistance.

Recon Bookkeeping

7. Payroll Support

Managing payroll can be complex and time-consuming. Let us handle it for you. We will take care of payroll processing, tax withholdings, and reporting, ensuring that your employees are paid accurately and on time, while also staying compliant with payroll regulations.

One-Time Add-Ons

In addition to our monthly services, Recon Bookkeeping also offers one-time add-ons to meet specific needs. These include:

1. QuickBooks Set-Up

Whether you’re starting fresh or switching from another accounting software, we can set up your QuickBooks to suit your unique requirements. Our experts will configure your accounts, map your chart of accounts, and optimize your software for seamless bookkeeping.

2. Clean Up and Catch Up Services

If your financial records are a mess, we’re here to help you clean up and catch up. Our team will meticulously review your records, correct any errors, reconcile your accounts, and bring everything up to date, ensuring accurate and reliable financial information moving forward.

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At Recon Bookkeeping, we’re passionate about providing exceptional bookkeeping services to individuals and businesses in Somerville, NJ. With our expertise, attention to detail, and commitment to your success, we’ll ensure that your financial records are accurate, up-to-date, and compliant. Just contact us today to discover how we can help you streamline your bookkeeping processes and achieve financial peace of mind.